Gates Cambridge Scholarship in the UK 2025-2026 (Fully Funded)

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship is one of the most prestigious international scholarships, established in 2000 through a generous donation from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It offers fully funded scholarships for postgraduate studies at the University of Cambridge to exceptional students from outside the UK.

The program emphasizes not only academic excellence but also leadership potential, a commitment to improving the lives of others and a strong justification for choosing Cambridge as the place to pursue advanced studies. Each year, approximately 80 scholars are selected based on these criteria, with two-thirds of the awards going to PhD students. The scholarship provides full financial support, including tuition, living expenses and travel, allowing scholars to focus entirely on their academic and personal growth.

The scholarship program aims to nurture global leaders who are committed to making a significant impact in various fields, from science and technology to social justice and the arts. Beyond financial support, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship fosters a dynamic community of like-minded individuals, offering networking opportunities and long-term support through its alumni network of over 1,700 graduates.

These alumni continue to contribute to the Gates Cambridge mission by leading projects and initiatives that address critical global challenges. The scholarship’s comprehensive approach not only funds education but also creates a platform for scholars to collaborate, innovate and lead in ways that inspire and enact change worldwide.

Currently, the Gates Cambridge community consists of around 250 scholars from more than 50 countries, all engaged in a wide variety of subjects across different departments and colleges at the University of Cambridge. Furthermore, the scholarship connects students to a global network of over 1,700 alumni who have completed the program. These alumni continue to uphold the mission of the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, which is to foster individuals who aim to make significant and lasting impacts on the world.

Key Features of the Gates Cambridge Scholarship

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship offers substantial benefits, which include:

  1. Full-Cost Scholarships: Covering all expenses for international students at the postgraduate level, this includes tuition, living expenses and other associated costs.
  2. Leadership and Academic Excellence: A strong emphasis is placed on leadership qualities and academic achievements, as well as a demonstrated commitment to societal betterment.
  3. Annual Award of Scholarships: About 80 scholarships are granted each year, with 25 dedicated to applicants from the United States and 55 for international applicants.
  4. All Fields of Study: The scholarship is open to all fields of study offered at the University of Cambridge, ensuring applicants from various academic disciplines can apply.

Since its inception, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship has helped more than 2,000 scholars from over 100 countries. This network of scholars has benefited from the transformative nature of the opportunity, which provides not only financial support but also access to a vibrant, like-minded community dedicated to making positive changes in the world.

Degree Level and Available Programs

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship for the 2025-2026 cycle is open for Master’s, PhD and Diploma level programs at the University of Cambridge. Applicants can pursue postgraduate degrees across a broad spectrum of academic fields, ensuring flexibility in their choice of study.

Financial Coverage and Benefits

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship is comprehensive, covering the full cost of attendance for the selected candidates. The financial support provided by the scholarship can be categorized into core components and discretionary components.

Core Components:

  1. University Composition Fee: Covers the full tuition and related costs at the University of Cambridge.
  2. Maintenance Allowance:
    • PhD Students: Receives up to £21,000 annually for up to four years.
    • Other Students: Maintenance allowance is provided on a pro-rata basis depending on the course duration.
  3. Travel Allowance: Funds for a single economy-class airfare to and from Cambridge.
  4. Visa Costs: The scholarship includes funding for visa fees and the UK Immigration Health Surcharge.

Discretionary Components:

  1. Academic Development Funding: Scholars are eligible to receive up to £2,000 to attend conferences and additional courses.
  2. Dependent Children Allowance: Students with children can receive up to £16,548 to cover the cost of childcare and related expenses for two or more children.
  3. Fieldwork Funding: PhD students undertaking fieldwork are entitled to continue receiving their maintenance allowance during the period of their fieldwork.
  4. Maternity/Paternity Leave Funding: Up to six months of study leave is covered, with continued maintenance allowance for scholars on maternity or paternity leave.
  5. Hardship Funding: In the case of unforeseen financial difficulties, scholars can apply for additional financial assistance.

Important Considerations:

  • Salaries and Other Scholarships: Scholars receiving significant external scholarships or salaries may see reductions or eliminations in their maintenance allowances from the Gates Cambridge Trust.
  • Bench Fees and Equipment: The scholarship does not cover additional fees such as bench fees or equipment costs, which are expected to be provided by the scholar’s department.

Overall, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship is designed to ensure that scholars receive sufficient financial backing to focus entirely on their studies while residing in Cambridge, without the distraction of financial constraints.

Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship, applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Citizenship: The scholarship is open to students from all countries outside the United Kingdom.
  2. Course of Study: The applicant must be pursuing one of the following postgraduate degree programs at the University of Cambridge:
    • PhD (full-time or part-time): For those enrolling for the October 2024 entry only.
    • MLitt (full-time).
    • One-year postgraduate course (full-time): Specific exceptions apply and candidates are encouraged to review the details on the official Gates Cambridge website.
  3. Current Cambridge Students:
    • Students who are already enrolled at the University of Cambridge can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if they are pursuing a new postgraduate degree, such as moving from an MPhil to a PhD.
    • Current Gates Cambridge Scholars are also eligible to apply for a second scholarship to pursue a new degree.
    • However, applicants cannot apply for a scholarship to fund an ongoing program (for example, funding the remainder of a PhD program already in progress).

For more details on ineligible courses and programs, applicants can refer to the Gates Cambridge website. Courses that are not eligible for funding include undergraduate degrees (such as BA or affiliated BA), specific Master’s programs (such as the MASt or business-related programs) and part-time degrees (with the exception of the pilot part-time PhD program).

Application Process

The application process for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship involves a single online form that serves both for admission to the University of Cambridge and for scholarship funding. Here’s a summary of the process:

Application Breakdown:

  1. Admission Section:
    • Applicants must select their graduate course of study and college preference.
    • They are required to provide details about their academic background, personal goals and suitability for the chosen course.
  2. Funding Section:
    • Applicants must indicate their intention to apply for various scholarships, including the Gates Cambridge Scholarship.
    • The Gates Cambridge sub-section must be completed by applicants who wish to be considered for this particular scholarship.

Required Documents for Gates Cambridge Scholarship:

  1. Gates Cambridge Statement (500 words): The applicant must submit a 500-word personal statement explaining why they are deserving of the scholarship. They should also demonstrate how they meet the four key criteria: intellectual ability, leadership potential, commitment to improving the lives of others and their reasoning for choosing the specific course.
  2. Research Proposal (PhD applicants only): PhD applicants are required to submit a research proposal unless it is already included in their admission application. Master’s and other non-PhD applicants are exempt from this requirement.
  3. Gates Cambridge Reference: Applicants must provide a reference letter from someone who can specifically address their qualifications for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship. This individual should be someone familiar with the applicant’s academic and leadership qualities but cannot be a family member or close friend. The reference should focus on the applicant’s fit for the scholarship based on the program’s criteria.

Application Deadlines:

The application deadlines for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship are as follows:

  • For US citizens: The deadline is Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 12:00 noon local US time.
  • For other international applicants: The deadline varies depending on the chosen course and is either December 3, 2024 or January 7, 2025. Applicants should refer to the course directory for specific details.

Tips for Securing a Gates Cambridge Reference:

Applicants are encouraged to choose a referee who is well-acquainted with their qualifications and who understands the criteria of the Gates Cambridge Scholarship. This could be a former advisor, professor, employer or someone from a volunteer organization where the applicant has worked. It is important to brief the referee thoroughly so that they can write a relevant and tailored reference that highlights specific examples of the applicant’s intellectual, leadership and societal contributions. Both the academic reference and the Gates Cambridge reference should be submitted by the respective deadlines.


The Gates Cambridge UK Scholarship for the 2025-2026 cycle offers an unparalleled opportunity for international students to pursue postgraduate studies at one of the world’s leading universities. With comprehensive financial support and access to a global network of scholars, the program aims to empower individuals who aspire to make a significant positive impact on society. By focusing on academic excellence, leadership potential and a commitment to improving the lives of others, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship remains a prestigious and highly sought-after award for those seeking to further their education at the University of Cambridge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can current students at the University of Cambridge apply for the scholarship?

Yes, current students can apply if they are pursuing a new degree at Cambridge, such as transitioning from an MPhil to a PhD. However, students cannot apply for funding for an ongoing course they have already started.

What are the main selection criteria for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship?

Applicants are selected based on four key criteria: outstanding academic ability, leadership potential, a commitment to improving the lives of others and a strong justification for choosing their specific course at Cambridge.

How do I apply for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship?

You apply through the University of Cambridge Graduate Application Portal, where you submit both your admission application and funding application, including the Gates Cambridge Scholarship section.

What is the deadline for applying?

For US applicants, the deadline is October 16, 2024. For other international applicants, the deadline depends on the chosen course and is either December 3, 2024 or January 7, 2025.

Can I apply for other scholarships along with the Gates Cambridge Scholarship?

Yes, applicants can apply for multiple scholarships through the University of Cambridge’s Graduate Application Portal, although if you receive substantial funding from other sources, the Gates Cambridge Trust may reduce or eliminate your maintenance allowance.

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